Monday, November 5, 2007

Lessson 6 our class today

today we talked about the libarary HAYSTAC catolog search we used two kinds one is words in tittle & subject and the other one is Subject heading both of them lead you to booke about your topic but there stratgiees are differn't in (word) you can be so spsefic by writing form what year to waht year you want the book to be, languge, tybe, location and search sort. We also learned how the number and letters that lead you to a book are orgonized

1 comment:

Aline said...

Keep in mind that a "word" or "keyword" search is natural language - words that you pick yourself.

Subject searches are "structured language" and these structured words and phrases are applied to the items being cataloged, so when you search, if you know the subject terms, you get a more focused set of results.

Where is your November 8 assignment? Did you forget to do it or are you having a problem?