Friday, November 2, 2007

lesson 5 part 2

1.What are the events of the greek life wich play a signifacant role on the playes they creat.

2 greek theater, greeks playes, greek lfe and theater, greek events,


Aline said...

Your topic sentence is better. You may find, however, that it is difficult to find material on this, but we'll see. Once you start working on your review assignment for Nov. 14, if you run into difficulties, please email or come and see me.

You will find that some of these phrases will work, but may give you very broad results. As we discovered after class on Friday, you may also have to use "theater" and "theatre" as the spellings vary with this word. Also, you will need to be sure about your spelling. For example, you need to use "plays" not "playes" and "life" not "lfe."

Also you might try "truncation." This is the process of putting an asterisk at the end of the root of a word so that you get both words. For example, you could enter "theat*" and get theater, theatre, theaters, theatres all in the same search.

Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.

Also, you are a day late with this posting as well.

Aline said...

Khaled: I see that you also had trouble with question 3. Either you didn't do a search or you had trouble with it. If we need to work together on some of this, let's set up an appointment to do this.