Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lesson 6 assingment

a. book stacks
title: festival, comedy and tragedy the origins of theatre
b. i don't have a reference for this book for my cluster topic

2 bibliographic information

a.the processes i conduct my search is greek events
b. the problem that i found was i had to make my topic so small wich is so genral to get some results

c) I leaernd that are to big doesn't show many results.


Aline said...

You don't have to make your topics narrower to get results; you have to change your search terms to fit the nature of the material you are searching.

For example, you can find a reference book for your cluster topic. You just have to search the catalog for a 'broader' term.

I did a search in the catalog for the phrase "ancient theat*" and limited my results to the "reference collection." When I did that, I found this title:

"The Crown guide to the world's great plays, from ancient Greece to modern times. PN6112.5 .S45 1984."

You could use that for a general overview of Greek theater, which will be included in this larger work.

Aline said...

You lost a point on this because you are late.